Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The pretty girl!

I just love this picture of Emma. Mom you are so right... She looks great in red!

Who are these Kids?

I just love this picture of Jack and Riley! Where does the time go........

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Nick and Daddy

Emma was getting her nails done and Nick wanted "paint on his" against David's wishes, I made him paint Nick's toes! I had to promise I would remove it before I took him out of the house!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Emma and Olivia

Emma had her friend Olivia over to play. The girls had a great time dressing up and getting their picture taken.
Nick just LOVES the girls!

Friday, August 17, 2007

The Brunelles

Alice and Roger

The Brunelles

Renee and "the big man" Butch
Muriel and Linda

Nicks BIG boy haircut

Monday, August 13, 2007

Kids having fun at Suzie's house

We went to a Brunelle ( Renee's last name before she became a LaFazia) get together at Suzie's house. We were only able to get a few pictures of the kids because we didn't have a free moment. It's tough to do anything with 2 little kids. I was able to chat with people. Muriel and Butch were there. They are doing great. They look wonderful and are getting ready to celebrate their 50th. Can you believe it! I thought David and I were doing good being married 9 years! Alice and Roger look wonderful! Alice is feeling good and enjoying life. Their son Dennis was there with his wife and son. He is going back to school to become a music teacher. He has a nice little family and looks very happy! Jody and Linda also attended. Linda is doing well and looks great. Jody is enjoying her kids being older and getting ready to start their lives, unlike me who is still changing diapers!!!! She looks wonderful and seems to be very happy. And of course my wonderful Suzie. She has a beautiful home and seems very much to be enjoying her life. Both her kids were there and they are great. Her husband Kevin is a great guy and as he put it, there's nobody greater then him! And how can I forget my cousin Dwayne. He's busy being in security and hoping to change his career and get into the fitness field. It was a nice time and I really enjoyed seeing everybody. Thanks to Suzie for having a fabulous party!

Nick on his way to Suzie's.

He is too cool with his teddy bear! Nick found this toy and Suzie let him take it home, he hasn't put it down in 3 days!

For those of you who knew my Nana, this is her classic look! Two beauties and a Prince!
Emma swimming by herself! Emma thinking she is going under water!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007


Emma just loves to play dress-up. She is such a girly girl.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Vacation at Nannie's

We all took a long car ride to North Carliona to visit Nannie aka Linda aka Renee's Mom. We had a lot of fun, but Emma informed us that next time she goes to Nannie's she wants to take a plane!

Mommy and her two babies in Nannie's pool. Eden and Gavin

Jack and Riley Riley Riley and Emma going down The BIG slide!
Emma having a Ball!!! This is serious stuff!
Like Father Like Son! Nick Having a ball! Nannie being one of the kids!
Nick's NC girlfriend Sophie. Nick's MA girlfriend Sophie Riley the supermodel Riley turned 14 when we were at Nannie's, so she decided she wanted to go to Hooters for her Birthday dinner! Nick really enjoyed all the Hooter girls, this was serious business for him! Jack and Riley